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Normal? Which huge majority is that, the same ones who smoke - is that normal? That drink to excess - normal? That eat so much that they become obese - normal? If government figures are to be believed these people form a majority.

Normal today is not the same as normal yesterday. A few short years ago it was normal to send children up chimneys. To hang people for stealing bread.
I behave perfectly 'normally' except for one aspect of my life........
What experience have you of the way Social Services operate flobbergob. I can assure you that it is not a case of ticking the appropriate boxes. It is a very lengthy stressful procedure for prospective parents, and its far from easy.

Normal has a wide range. Are you normal. I think not because your ideas vary from the (huge) majority on this thread? ;o)
I think "Normal" here is being hijacked by those losing the argument.. "Normal" here, does not refer to all human habits it refer's to nature/evolution. It is not normal for the same sex to be attracted to each other. The cases where this occurs are screened out by the impossibility of procreation, ie a genetic dead end. Sex between ame sex animals cannot reproduce. Humans have found ways to propagate the genetic codes that in nature would be written off.
A few short years ago

In 1832 the use of boys for sweeping chimneys was forbidden by law,

A few short years ?
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I'm not getting into a statistical debate about normality and +/- 2 standard deviations etc. As of the moment, the very large majority of adults are heterosexual, and while reliable figures are hard to obtain (!), I'll bet that a large majority of people do not indulge in anal sex, and that a largeish majority of people actually disapprove of it.

There is a range of normality, but the possibilities in this case are quite narrow. Eventually I expect homosexuality will be made compulsory, but as of the moment, it isn't.
Losing the argument! Just read the thread through. I don't think so.

And Flobbergob are you are still on about anal sex!! I can honestly say, that I don't consider other people's private sexual habits, so why is it such an issue for you. Methinks thou does protest too much.

And one question you haven't answered. When are you moving out!!
thanks4nowt - less than 200 years in evolutionary terms is but the blink of an eye.
In 1864 it was made illegal for a master sweep to employ any child under ten or to allow any child under 16 to enter a house or be with him while he was sweeping a chimney, but this Act also was not fully enforced until 1875 when master sweeps were compelled by law to take out an annual licence from the police, and the police were entrusted to enforce it

A few short years
I wonder if the ss would alow 2 master gay sweeps to adopt

How times have changed

In nature they would not reproduce and that particular strain would end. Ie selected out by evolution as a dead end.


You realise your mistake don't you?

Gay people will be produced as long as their are straight people having sex.

Where d'ya think the gays come from?


Seriously - that reasoning is disastrous. Practically every gay man and lesbian is the progeny of straight sex.

Tut tut.
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LL, I am only still on about it because it is pertinent to the thread. If the thread was about beef silverside or car tyre pressures I would manage to skirt around sodomy completely.

Moving out? Of where, and why?
I've just speed-read this whole thread, and am very impressed with the fact that so many of the posters are so very open-minded.

We are so lucky to live in a country where homophobia and prejudice is on the wane. Civil Partnerships, adoptions open to all.

Flipping brilliant.
Ah sp didn't read it did we!

Yes gays are produced by normal people, ie that particular combination forms a genetic code that, in nature at least, will not propagate. QED genetic dead end, I though It said that above. That's why some families can have a gay offspring and a straight offspring.

If gay people reproduce by whatever means that will re enforce the "Faulty" genetic code.
sp1814 reported

Bloomingdales have never sold gay people, This is FALSE advertising
But flobbergob it isn't pertinent to this thread at all. You do not know what sort of sex these two men indulge in, you have just assumed that it is anal. You have been told that lots of gay men do not like anal sex, you have chosen to ignore that. The only really pertinent facts are that two children have had their lives so blighted that they are to be adopted. The fact that it is two gay men really isn't important, they can and do provide a loving and secure home and I am sure that these two children will flourish under their guidance.
Your post at 11.17

and my reply to you at 11.28
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Homophobia, or better, a dislike of homosexual practices, is NOT a prejudice. It is a reasoned and reasonable aversion - and I insist a normal aversion. Tolerance is tolerance, not outright approval.

I echo Daisy.

Anal sex has nothing whatsoever to do with your question. You have no idea about these two gay men. They might not even be having sex. It happens in lots of relationships actually, for various reasons.
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Don't tell me what is or is not pertinent to my thread. If I find it relevant, then it is relevant. Sorry.

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