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The Yorkshire Ripper

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Grizelda43 | 19:27 Wed 18th Feb 2009 | News
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should the Yorkshire Ripper ever be released from prison?


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Paranoid Schizophreia is incurable. He will always have it. The symptons are only held in check by medication. If he fails to take his medicine he will revert to type. Forced medication is not allowed. Surely a chance not worth taking.
Susan.... "Not all prostitues either, some were just young students"

Does that really make a difference then, is a prostitutes life worth less than someone stduying? Can't for the life of me see that it is.

I personally don't know if he is still a danger to women, as the much slated, but always fair Ethel says, I have no access to reports etc to make a determinaiton. However I do think that he needs to consider very carefully himself, if he indeed wants to be free, shouyld tat chance ever arise.
As stated by someone else, he is now disabled, easily identifiable and once in the community, even if he did pose no risk, I can't see it being five minutes before his real identity is doscovered and then he will be subject to a lynch mob.
Can someone with such a terrible disorder ever be helped sufficiently to allow their release, I really don't know, but I seriously doubt he'll ever be released for political reasons, rather like Myra Hindley.
I don't believe he should be let out, so I'm just playing a bit of Devil's advocate, but what if he or another person had committed murders due to a mental condition later cured. Or even better, a physical condition such as a brain tumour that fundementally changed their personality. On removal they became the same law abiding pleasant person they had always been, wracked with remorse and regret, but still having butchered several people?
No. He should rot in his cell.
If there were such treatments available, would it be right to treat someone who has exhibited psychopathic behaviour and killed many innocent people, or apply the scientific skills to the people who have not murdered anyone but share some of these psychological problems or other neurological disorders that prevent them from living a normal happy law abiding life?

I�d rather the murderers remained at the bottom of what must be a very deep pile.
No he should never be released.

But Ronnie Biggs should.
i have read stories of people being beaten and terrorised because they beared a very slight resemblance to :
maxine Carr
colin stagg
the jamie bulger killer

and probably there have been others...

every man who bore even a slight resemblance to him - even as he looked 20-30-odd years ago - would be at risk from vigilante cretins who attacke first, think later...

(and the maxine carr ''lookalike'' could not have looked less like maxine carr if you tried!)
For me, he should not be released. There are some crimes which enter the nations conscious as particularly bad and this is one.

However, it won't happen. It would need a brave home secretary (no chance) and anyway, he'd be killed within a week of getting out.
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iIt would seem that every one, with the exception of Ethel is in agreement with me. Notwithstanding his current medical condition, his crimes were so horrific that he deserves to remain where he is. I sincerely hope the current Home Secretary does have some sense!! and, for once, listens to public opinion.
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Would you have said that Leviathan if one of them had been your daughter. Hope he has a lingering death in jail.
Again, playing Devil's Advocate but he should be released in 2011. His sentence was 30 years which will expire in 2011. Just because his crimes were horrific does not give us the right to keep him in jail after he has completed his given sentence.
I don't think this is actually really on the cards.

It's the Sun newpaper coming up with a cornflake spitter again. After the Doctors at Broardmoor said he's a low risk.

That doesn't mean he's suitable for release - he might for example be low risk to them where his medication is monitorred.

Has there been an application for parole or even a statement that he's seeking it - Would he even be able to fuction in the real world after 28 years in a mental prison?
On 17 February 2009, it was reported that Sutcliffe was 'fit to leave Broadmoor'. If the Ministry of Justice agrees with the doctors' verdict, he will be sent to a medium-secure unit where he could be allowed out on short release for rehabilitation.

to be fair, Ethel gave a factual answer and not her opinion.
To BagPussAA How can you say that ?Have you no thought of the relatives of these poor girls. Do you want him to get out and kill some more and what would you say if it was one of your relatives next time. You are giving him a licence to kill just go ahead and kill .Do your time then come out and start again. ONCE A KILLER ALWAYS A KILLER.
Is it right that a politician gets to decide who is released and who isn't?

Isn't it a decision that should be taken openly, publicly and fairly in court by a judge, rather than secretly by a politician who has never heard the case and is subject to all the inevitable pressures of public opinion?

Ministers have all manner of influences on them. Can they really be scrupulously fair when they have one eye on how their decisions will be received in focus groups and in the headlines?
Grizelda - in your opening post you never stated your opinion, so I didn't disagree, nor agree, with you. I simply answered your question.

My opinion is that I don't believe he ever will be released from a secure institution, whether that be a hospital or a prison, nor do I think he will be.

However, as I said in my first post, without all the relevant information I don't know that that will be the case

Any prisoner held under the Mental Health Act will only be downgraded, as is suggested might happen, if the Mental Health Tribunal, which is independent, is satisfied that it's safe to do so.

We're not aware of any tribunal being asked for or arranged in relation to this case.

susan195 is quoting the ''correct terminology'' ie CIVILISED Society.
Anyone who commits murders or these acts of violence is not civilised & therefore should be seperated from society.Unfortunately WE have to keep them alive,I think the French had the right idea when they were running Devil's Island in French Guiana (total seperation).

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