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cost of smoking to the nation?

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R1Geezer | 12:42 Wed 03rd Feb 2010 | News
26 Answers
With the estimated costs to the nation of around 20 billion (that's direct and indirect) and tax receipts of around £6billion, can we dispense with the myth that smoking is a next contributor to the Treasury? Please keep to smoking, yes I know there are other areas, start your own thread if you want to talk about those. BGB's available.


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Where are you getting the figures from Geezer?

Do they take account of the costs saved by smokers generously dying early and not claiming pensions and costing the NHS with diseases typically suffered in old age ?

We're just today seeing the costs of Dementia on the news!
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I'm talking about fires, premature births, life time care for handicapped children because of selfis mothers, lost work days, lost work time etc, cleaning etc. Hard to quantify and I have not included any saving through early death, usually they are offset by a lot of care for slow death.
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Hmmm - not convinced Care homes are expensive and dementia is common and long lasting.

It's complicated and to a great extent depends on exactly what you leave in or out of the equation.

But public health issues aren't decided on a financial basis otherwise canabis would be licensed and taxed.

How about we ban anyone born prior to 1995 from smoking and follow it through the system (Only half joking)
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jake.....wish smokers did die early, but they bloody don't.

They have expensive coronary artery bypass surgery, expensive angiography and then instead of doing the decent thing, they have cerebral thrombosis, go into tax funded old folks homes, with all the other bits replaced and working, but the brain, useless.
Thanks sqad I love you you now wish death on smokers.......and they call doctors the caring profession.
Who call Drs the "caring profession?" Non medical folks I would have thought.

Most Drs go into medicine for the money, security and a good lifestyle.........I did.
I must tell my nephew off.........he's obviously caring too much about his patients, and whether they are smokers or not, actually does his best to keep them alive.
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crfaft....of course he keeps them alive.

Dead patients pay.

Live get's paid for.
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yes helen you demostrate perfectly why the worm has turned!
I'm not convinced geezer. I don't recall any government ever saying we need to discourage smoking because it's costing the country billions, but I'm sure they would if it was the case.
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Smoking is a matter of personal choice.

There is a cost to the nation.

So, do we ban things where your personal choice would be a net drain?

Do we ban parents from having children if they can't afford it?

My taxes pay for other peoples children to be born, fed, educated.

Now THAT'S unfair !!

I've just examined my Ciggie tin for explosives
do you think that could be the new government inititiative redman?
craft whatever next ! Suicide Bombers targetting the Smoker....we will have to take cover :-)) are correct......the taxpayer must pay for all "sinners"

Now: out of these groups, which Fosters you of the most and pose a health risk to the nation in NHS care and finance?

Teenage pregnancies

Yes, it is a matter of opinion, but my guess is that it would be the "smokers" have chosen "do" them.
I've heard doctors are responsible for a lot of deaths........did you know Shipman?

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cost of smoking to the nation?

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