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Government huge deficit

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rov1200 | 15:49 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | News
7 Answers
Why is the government refusing to tackle the huge financial deficit of £40bn by looking at this years social security budget?

///The Treasury now forecasts total social security payments in 2009/10 to be £186 billion – a quarter of all Government spending and more than is received by Government in income tax and corporation tax combined. At a time of economic crisis, this is not sustainable///


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Welfare payments should always be under scrutiny to enure they are fair and in everyone's interest. But removing the ability for society to spend will make coming out of an economic crisis all the more difficult. One needs to get the money cycles moving again.
Because they know that workshy layabouts will vote Noo labour. When you are robbing Peter to pay Paul, you can be sure of support from Paul, QED.
At times of economic crisis the social security budget grows - It always has and always will.

More people are out of work and if huge cuts are coming in public spending that will increase.

The best way to tackle rising social security budgets is by tackling unemployment.

This is why the Tory plan to slash into the defecit immediately regardless of whether or not it puts us back into recession is so dangerous.

Combine it with the plan to massively slash inheritance tax for millionaires and it's dangerous and devisive
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So while those in work are having their wages cut or their hours increased the unemployed are still given the same allowances.

Maybe Cameron will ensure that they suffer proportionately if he believes we are all in it together.
Lefty claptrap Jake.

The best way to reduce social benefits is
1) Reduce fraud
2) Dont pay anything to new imigrants (incliding housing)
3) Dont pay Child allowance to every Tom Dick and Abdul around the world
4) Make workshy scroungers work (As per the judges comments in the recent case)
5) Dont hide unemployment figures behind screens such as disability benefit
6) Dont give house to kids with brats
7) Make it beneficial to work not to scrounge

I'm bored now, but the list is endless.

Sacking useless and excess bagage from the public sector is far better than paying them huge sums from the public purse. Why pay a 5 a day co ordinator 40 grand a year, benefits are alot less plus we all benefit from one less lefty looney trying to control our lives.

God how I hate pinko do gooder.
Why don't you give us your top 10 ways to reduce tax evasion too while you're at it?

(I don't think anyone really cares what you hate)
(I do. In fact, I'd like to hear again how the world's ills are all the fault of Noo Labour, liberal lefties, the EU and the ooman rights act.)

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Government huge deficit

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