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The cat woman

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Fletch_ | 11:55 Thu 26th Aug 2010 | News
43 Answers
Has she been given thousands of pounds yet by some newspaper for her life story.
I just wonder how long it will be before she is invited to appear for an interview on tv as well


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Oooops...maybe you're right tony. Then how about the least all the animals are bigger than her.. ;-))
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andy....did you really mean "anthropomorphisise?"

Doesn´t that mean to "look human?"

I think that people humanise them, many as a substitute for a human being, but once you have given them a name, then they become and are treated like, one of the family.

Wasn´t harmed? You must be joking, physically maybe, but the hours of jumping up and down in a wheely bin, doesn´t bare thinking about and wouldn´t do much for it´s state of mind.
Because I cannot believe you somehow tried to justify the clubbing to death of seal pups.

Perhaps if you watched footage of this happening, where sometimes the clubs aren't even dead before they're stripped of their skins you might have a different attitude.

And to say they'd have your fingers off if you tried to pet them....doesn't that go for almost any wild animal? So with that theory it's ok to kill any animal, in any way you like because you aren't able to cuddle it.
pups aren't dead...not clubs.
that is the problem, people lose sight of the fact that a cat is an animal not a human. you have no idea if the cat would struggle with mental issues after being stuck in a are putting your human slant on it.
cazz.......come on....are you saying that animals do not undergo mental stress and strain?
Not many animals like being shoved into a confined space with no means of escape Cazzz.
Sqad - yes that is what I meant - although I understood it to mean endowing an animal with human characteristics, as in inferring on it a personality which it does not in fact possess.

i did not mention anything about harm to the cat in question - i think you may have mixed me up with another poster there?
of course they dont b00 but the vitrol for this woman is out of hand.

sqad, to have survived for as many years as cats have they are probably a lot more mentally stronger than you think, they fend for themselves at an early age, if one negative incident was enough to render them traumatised then they would never have survived all those years.
andy....I apologise.......indeed you didn´t and indeed I did.
I kind of agree Cazzz, though I personally would have preferred to have seen her fined. I don't agree that she should have got away with it entirely, this somehow gives out the message that was she did was acceptable.

And i honestly couldn't give a stuff whether she has or had mental issues at the time.
Well least you got a reply from Andy sqad, I didn't.
she may still be done for her actions b00 and quite rightly so.
Actually Boo - you did - but I've just found out that it didn;t link onto the thread - so I'll re-write it -

I did not intend for one minute for my post to infer that I condine the slaughter of any animals for any reason.

The point i was trying to make revolves around people's sympathy for seal pups based on their preceived 'cuddle' factor, as though that in some way makes their deaths all the more tragic, and i attempted to balance that with the fact that seals are wild animals, and not 'cuddly' at all.

My point was - and is - all animals deserve respect and humane treatment, regardless of their appearence, or our perception of it - or indeed the worh of their lives based again on our perception.

For this reason, I have written in protest to the producers of 'I'm A Celebrity' to complain about their cruelty to insects in the name of 'entertainment' which i consider to be barbaric.

In conclusion then, I would never condone cruelty to any animal under any circumstances, and i have have given that impression in my post, I hope this serves as a correction - with my apologies.
Thanks sqad - no problem at all.
Ahhh right, with you now Andy. That's not what I read when I read your initial post, so apologies from me too.

With regards to Im A Celebrity, this is going to sound hypocritical of me, but I don't actually mind the insect cruelty, as I personally dont like them but I dislike, very much so, the animal ones they do. So yes, I do see your points very well made, based on my own irrational thoughts on the matter.
Thanks Boo.

That's twice today where the limitations of our communications by written word have got lost between sender and recipient - AOG and I had a serious 'handbags' session over perceived slights - all sorted now though.

Glad we are all able to explain ourselves, and that everyone accepts that we don't always communicate as well as we would wish.
Of course she'll make money from her misdemeanour - we have a very warped sense of what's right and wrong in this country at times - Raoul Moat????

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