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Philtaz | 14:49 Wed 12th Oct 2011 | Jokes
23 Answers
2 boxes of Ronseal nail varnish, no longer required.

Contact: Paul McCartney 08717 236121


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I don't get it...
I don't get it either. Please explain to us lesser mortals.
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It kinda loses its comedic value if I really have to explain it.....!
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I don't get it...
Shouldn't it be Ronseal wood varnish?
is this a joke about heathers wooden leg?
You just C&P my
It's another attempt at humour-poking at Heather and her disability.
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I never got the "wooden leg named smith" joke either :o
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There once was a man with a wooden car, wooden wheels and a wooden engine.
It wooden (wouldn't) go.
"I've got nothing against your other leg. The trouble is ....... neither have you...."
Ha, ha Builder!
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Shouldn't it be Ronseal wood varnish? Snags.


Oh the irony.......!
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Paul McCartney's finding it hard to adapt to his new wife.

When she asks for a foot rub he still keeps reaching for the sandpaper.

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