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marval | 19:52 Tue 11th Dec 2012 | Jokes
6 Answers
Joe Johnson, the Matchmaker, goes to meet Mr. Ford, who is a bachelor for many years.

Joe says to Mr. Ford, "I suggest you do not delay it any further. I have someone in mind who is just perfect for you. You just have to say yes and I'll arrange for you to meet her. Before you know, you'll be married!"

"Please don't bother," replies Mr. Ford, "I have two sisters at home, who take care of all my needs."

Johnson says, "Well that's good, but all the sisters in the world cannot fill the role of a wife."

"I said I had 'two sisters'. I didn't say they were mine!"


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LOL, like it marval.
Tee hee another good one marval.
Two sisters - reminds me of when I was young.......
Better go for Mr Thompson than Mr Ford.
Tell me more, shoota - I'm intrigued!
Nice one. Lol

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