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Jemisa | 15:36 Mon 03rd Jun 2013 | Jokes
2 Answers

The pope was really late for a meeting with David Cameron because his flight was delayed. At the airport he caught a taxi and told the driver to hurry up. The driver says "sir i cant go over the speed limit" so the pope swaps seats with him putting himself at the wheel.

He is driving really fast until pulled over by a copper. He rolls down the window and the copper is shocked. He reports on his radio that he has stopped a car with somebody really important in it. The headquarters ask "is he as important as David Cameron?" and the copper replies yes. Then the headquarters ask "is he more important than David Cameron? and he replies "yes". Then the headquarters ask "just how important is he?"
and the copper replies "im not very sure but hes certainly important enough to have the pope driving him around!"



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Nice twist, like it!

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