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marval | 18:46 Fri 01st Apr 2016 | Jokes
155 Answers
A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realised that toucan play at that game.


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Think we've all gone bats!..
Play pheasant its been funny.
Yeah, no need to get a cob on about it.
You're all Stork Raven bonkers.
Calm down tweetie pie.
I heard a murmuration about this thread but when I got here there were already flocks of you posting.
This has been a Boobie trap!
cor, more rants than I ever expected here.
I Dove those boobies.
Excellent DTC,
Glad you could pop by for a gander.
Hope we're not mocking- birds?...
No just Swallow-ing our pride and not Crow-ing about anything.
Starting to feel a bit Jay-ded...
True parrot trivia ,,,

Liz Taylor was famed for having parrots as well as husbands

Yes ... she l was fond of a cockatoo
you can get a tub of 50 Wild Bird Fat Balls at, Talbo.....Liz may have been interested in that.
This looks a fun thread, think I'll tune in and tern on
She went for a Burton, didn't she?
This thread is brambling on....
Yes unfortunately, dead as a dodo....
119 answers, can there Rheally be much Moa this?

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