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My Mate

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Patsy33 | 15:03 Wed 30th Aug 2017 | Jokes
6 Answers
My mate tries hard to get to work early to beat the crowds,
he's loving his new job with the riot police.


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A lot of riot police seem to love beating the crowds.
does he get a rush!
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Yes, especially when he gets his truncheon out
Remember the Brixton riots....a copper on the front line was on duty for 11 hours and lost it, dropping his shield and running down Railton Road and then two more streets. Suddenly, a long arm came out and grabbed him - "Where do you think you are going, Sonny?"

"Sorry, Sarge, I've lost it, I've been on for over 11 hours, am absolutely exhausted, hungry, thirsty and drained. I'll be alright in a few minutes."

"I'm not a Sergeant, I'm a Chief Inspector." imperiously said

"Sorry Sir, I didn't realise that I have run that far."
Toyota is in fact a Japanese expression, (first letters of Toyota) for 'Tits or your other tasty alternative.'
forget that, belongs to sp's thread but may cause a riot....

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