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Does Ab Have A Watershed?

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Deskdiary | 21:09 Sat 24th Mar 2018 | Jokes
40 Answers
I heard a joke today that is really really dark, which I have no doubt will offend some people, but it made me laugh - although I have yet to hear a joke that did offend me.

Happy to share......


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There is not a single swear word in the the overzealous, and entirely pointless, nannying from AB shouldn't be an issue.
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What's the difference between an onion and a prostitute?
I cry when I cut onions.
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I honestly thought there'd be people who would be falling over themselves to tell me how disgusted they were.

9.30pm (I've already moved every clock forward) on a Saturday is clearly more open-minded than the snowflakishness I see during the work!
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During the week.

Bloody phone.
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Does Ab Have A Watershed?

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