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Sorry Madam

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Bazile | 21:17 Thu 27th Jan 2022 | Jokes
3 Answers
My mate was driving down a country lane when a rooster ran out in front of his car .
He was unable to stop and collided with it ,killing it .

He got out of his car ,picked it up and carried it to a farmhouse nearby .

''Is this your rooster ''? - he asked a lady standing in the yard

''Yes '' replied the lady

''i'm sorry '' he said. -'' I've just collided with it and killed it - I would like to replace it ''

''Ok '' replied the lady - '' the henhouse is round the back ''


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One of Barry Cryer's
“There’s a priest in the confessional box and someone comes in and sits down behind the screen. After a couple of minutes the person still hasn’t said anything so the priest knocks on the side of the confessional. There’s no response, so a minute later he knocks again and a bloke’s voice says ‘You can knock all you like, there’s no paper in here either.’”

Nicked from a Barry Cryer obit.

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Sorry Madam

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