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Man & Son

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whiskeryron | 11:14 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | Jokes
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A man had 1 leg shorter than the other & his son who had a speech impediment said to him, DDad i've bbeen tthinking about your pproblem & II think II've found an anananswer,>>wwalk with 1 lleg on tthe kkerb & 1 lleg in tthe gggutter. So his dad did this & a cyclist ran in to him & put him in hospital, when the son went to visit him the old man said to him whilst I've been lying here son I've thought of a cure for your stuttering, wwwhat's ththat ddad he asked,>>>the old chap replied >> Keep your bleedin' mouth shut.

I still say the old 'uns are the best.


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