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are you into halloween yet?

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Jemisa | 20:33 Tue 19th Oct 2010 | Jokes
13 Answers

bit early but good.



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I loathe the entire concept of Halloween with a vengeance but found that hilarious. LOL
Ditto Mike, I hate Hallowe'en, but jem, that was funny.
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I feel the same but yesterday out shopping I went into the £1 shop and bought a witches costume each for the G/children, only £1 each couldn't resist and a witches hat headband. Its only a family tea we're having. I'm painting their faces. They can't wait, keep asking how many more sleeps are there to go.Bless.

NO way would we let 'em go 'Trick or Treating' (begging) no no no.

And we're gonna get loads of kids knocking on the door, sweets at the ready.
I've got my notices from the police, ready to stick in my window next week - Go Away, Not Playing.
I no longer am pestered with this, living in sheltered accommodation, but when I was younger I found the little perishers singularly unprepared for the occasion. When asked, "Trick or treat?" I would invariably respond, "ooh, trick, please". This baffled them and they would slink off, muttering,"Tight old git!"
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Being as this is a quiet cul-de-sac with mostly older people we're not bothered much.

My last house we were in and a few years back I tried that mike, and yes they were flummoxed and slunk away.
Next morning we found a dirty great scratch mark down the side of our car, (Probably a key) Cost a few bob to repair too, the little bastards.
So now we always have a Mars bar handy.

The come around here mob handed 6-8 kids at a time. I used to dole out sweets and pass on a handful of change, but I'm pretending to be out this year. Bah humbug.
Keep the lights off and don't answer the door!
I don't like Halloween, but I liked the video
Here you are gran, not necessarily your police area but it's still a good poster to stick in your window.
"are you into halloween yet?"

No, but I'm waiting for the treats. :-)

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