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Collective name for nephews & nieces

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EvianBaby | 08:30 Tue 23rd Oct 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
18 Answers
Is there one? Like siblings, but for siblings kids?


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The Others
Subsiblings? :)
Question Author
Nibling!! I think that might become my new favourite word. Thanks.
Generalised term could be 'kin'.
'niblings' sound like things you have at a party with wine...
"Peripherally related miscellaneous begotten offspring"
I'll go with theland, nuisances is a very good word.
Oi! They're nothing to do with me......... I wasn't there....... You can't prove it....... I'm saying nothing 'til I've seen me brief....... ☺
I call mine the sproggings...
I have three niblings.

I have to admit that I did wonder if there was a collective word for such persons.
Question Author
Oh I like sproggings too.

Definitely easier to have one word that covers the lot of them.
Staying schtümm
Hanger ons.
Question Author
Lol! I've only just got it Nibble!

But, some of them do have these odd little black ear things....
On Mrs Owds side the adams family

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Collective name for nephews & nieces

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