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JUNKMAN | 17:53 Wed 19th Dec 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
7 Answers
is it correct to use the following phrase in a letter/

We would to wish you season's greetings.


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No. I would suggest "We would like to wish you season's greetings". Even better would be "We would like to wish you A Happy Christmas and A Happy New Year".
Definitely not "we would to". I can't think of any occasion when that would make sense.
The simplest option is not to use 'wish' with 'season's greetings' ! Think about it: how do you 'wish' greetings? You may wish someone a happy Christmas or a happy holiday. You can't wish them Christmas, only that the Christmas is a happy one. You may 'send greetings' but 'wish greetings'? No.

The simplest way, if you want to use 'greetings' as your word is to put 'Season's greetings!' at the end of your letter.Or you could put "we send you Season's greetings"

"Would to" is never grammatically correct. " Would wish" is itself clumsy. Either you wish or you don't. "Would wish" sounds either conditional or repetitive. You either do wish or you don't wish. You don't 'wish to wish' or 'want to wish' or wish if the circumstances permit, if you get the opportunity to wish.
Junkman, when writing, think about what you would actually say if you were speaking to someone face to face. You would never say 'We would to wish you season's greetings', would you? So why write it?
"Would to" is never grammatically correct" an example of tha usage is "It would cost more to fly to Aberdeen than it would to Paris"
I suspect it's just a typo from Junkman there, leaving out 'like'. But no need to write 'would' anyway. Why not just 'We wish you season's greetings'?
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Thanks to everyone - and well spotted jno - it was a typo!

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