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Genius 98

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amtaff | 17:08 Fri 05th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
8 Answers
I think Ive finished but would like an explanation for14ac. You can pick it up in Kerry,Chile,Riga and central Pakistan possibly(5 6).I?I?H?A?L?C. I have entered IRISH GAELIC but don't see how clue works. Help please.


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Anagram CHILE RIGA IS (centre of Pakistan)
Anagram Chile Riga + IS from Pakistan; Kerry is in Ireland
anagram of Chile& Riga and something from middle of Pakistan- the IS I think
I give up- i manage to answer one Lie-In King hasn't seen and then find kayakamina is on the scene!
You might pick up 'Irish Gaelic' in Kerry & it's an anag of 'Chile Riga + (Pak)is(tan)' (central letters of...)
Lol! Too late as well :-)
Beat you, Lie-in King! However I rushed my explanation in my efforts to beat you, so yours is more complete.
Question Author
Thankyou all three. Should have seen that.

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Genius 98

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