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Geographical Crossword

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mjulian | 14:43 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Am stuck on 5 - can anyone help me please?!
19a - It might shed light on cruise passenger, or to help out [8]: -O-T---- [thought this might be port----]
25a - Part of Ireland provides boat shuffle service with a fresh start [5]:
2d - Bulgaria's longest river is 3/7th Kurdish [5]: I-K-R
20d - British archipelago alternative to N Skye, possibly [7]: ----E-S
21d - Extensive land mass area is damaged - university enters [7]: ----S-A

An explanation with any answers would be very much appreciated - I like to know how the answer has been reached - but simply cannot fathom out any of the above. Many thanks in advance.



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19a Porthole anagram 'or to help'
25a Ferry
2d Iskar
21d Eurasia anagram area is + u(niversity)
21d Eurasia
Afternoon Alex. Hope all is well ? (sorry julian)
Question Author
Wow - that was quick - many thanks one and all.
Only 1 left to do now - 20d - British archipelago alternative to N Skye, possibly [7]: have now got 0-F-E-S
Can anyone solve it?!
Hi Mazie...doing away, thanks.
All OK with you ?
(apologies, mjulian)
anagram 'or (alternative) N Skye'
Good thanks Alex xxx
Sorry 25a is Kerry Not Ferry (I got it the wrong way round)
But Orcadians would be furious...their islands are called Orkney or The Orkney Islands or The Orkney Isles, but never , ever Orkneys or The Orkneys.
Similarly, Shetland or The Shetland Islands/Isles, but never, Shetlands
19A porthole
That's good to hear, Mazie. xx

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