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Daily Mail Cryptic

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malvena | 13:29 Thu 19th Mar 2015 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Help please! 25a religious book's inspired European people in East. (7) k?r?a??


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Korans + e
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Thanks for your prompt answer, mac44.
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.......and the others, of course!
The capes have fallen off today. :-)
Good morning Retro, how are you?
Good morning Margo. I have come out in sympathy with your back/hip problems overnight.Hope yours is improving.Think mine is just a temporary glitch.I had my chemo doseage reduced on Tuesday and my feet are not now suffering as a result. xx :-)
What a pair of old crocs we are. My back/hip is no better so I am thinking of going back to the osteopath o see if that will help, he also does acupuncture so I may try that too ! Anything to get me mobile again before we go to Hungary. Glad to hear your feet are a bit better, let's hope your back is just a glitch. X
You two are making me feel positively sprightly :-)
Well that's a bonus Danny! I know I shouldn't really moan but this is getting me down and I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.
You probably need that Hungarian break.

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