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Can't Can't Get Going This Morning

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weecalf | 07:22 Sat 29th Apr 2017 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Wolffish but elevated in rank 6 ?u????
Describing the craziness of the fellow in charge 5 ?a???
She's in badly made material 7 ???????
Drive an aggressor to distraction 7 ?n?????

thank you


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lupine (up in line)
manic = man i.c.
3, hessian (is it "She's in a badly made material" ?) = anagram of "she's in a')
4. Invader (aggressor) = anagram of "drive an"
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Thank you all
Is able to preserve an indecorous measure 6 c?n?a? Cancan ?
Being cut off ,put into port 6 ????e?
Don't let the guys get too tight 7 ?l???e?
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Docked for 2
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Thank you all ,have a great day
slacken guys as in tent ropes

can can ----yes
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Sorry one more
Disturbed aristocratic coterie 5 ?p?e?
morning Donny XX..OO..XX..
Question Author
Thanks again
A very nice morning indeed, Minty XXOOXX

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Can't Can't Get Going This Morning

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