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S/post -Cryptic

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Jaimsieboy | 16:42 Sun 23rd Dec 2018 | Crosswords
12 Answers
14 Across - Dash in the off-licence ? (6) H?p?e?
17 Down - Like a flyer or a vehicle I'm in (5) A?i?n
18 Across - Function of girls is to put names in tip (3,5) H?n ???h?


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17d avian?
17 avian
18 hen night
17 Avian - I in A van
17 avian
The line (dash) in 'Off-licence' Is known as an Hyphen.
Question Author
Hi Folks, thanks for all your answers but could please tell me how you get " Hypen" for 14 Across and "Hen Night" for 18 Across ? TIA...J/Boy
N n (names) inside height (tip)
Height with 2x N inside

Hyphen explained above by myself
See above for parse of hyphen ^^^
After the word 'OFF' Is a dash

Hyphen = -
Question Author
Hi folks...thanks...j/bOY

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S/post -Cryptic

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