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Weird Clue In The I

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falltutt | 10:46 Fri 01st Feb 2019 | Crosswords
8 Answers
tug 3/7/5



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Bad stomach upset ?
Question Author
not heard that before ta
I presume that it's a down clue and 'upset' indicates a reversal of gut (stomach).
Question Author
actually it's 24A

not sure yet of answer.... but no other suggestions!

will let ya know ta
Thinking about it again it's more likely to be Big Stomach Upset (gut being a word for a large stomach).
It would have helped if you had said the clue was in italics as that is part of the clue- The Leaning Tower
tug would have certainly made it easier to solve.Ta chelle.
You're welcome :)

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Weird Clue In The I

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