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ev 860

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devadolly | 14:06 Sun 26th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
74 Answers
Good afternoon EVers. I know I am early but have been in need of light relief from the boring piece I am trying to finish so just thought I would check and see how difficult this week's is considered to be. Haven't got mine yet as the papers hadn't arrived when Himself went to get them this am. and no-body has had time since, so, what is it like?
Caught a complaint about the layout in Q & P so have added my two-pennoth, seems 'they' have really boobed this week!



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Devadolly, will lurk and be available, as others will no doubt also be, if needed.
Ciao for now.
Echo what DocHH has just posted. Argentinian red might just affect my mental processes though. Am drowning my sorows in advance ---- I've supported Newcastle United through thick and thin ( mainly the latter ) for over 50 years and am fearful about tonight's match against Portsmouth.
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Thank you Doc, don't lurk too long as I am just finishing this (what is proving to be) very difficult piece and then I am off to pour a very large Whiteley Neil G & T then get some supper and be a slob (Himself is at choir practice so all is peace and quiet!)
Will attempt the EV tomorrow in-tray allowing!

Hi Devadolly!

Mine's a double!!
Enjoy your evening!!
Can lurk tomorrow, but have to work on wednesday, my first work day of this tax year! Hope there are not too many more, 12 last tax year!
I rather suspect you will not need any more hints.
ps You could set unwanted work stuff to go into SPAM!! Would they know?
Hi all
Can see me wanting the help of our willing "lurkers" - glimpsed at EV yesterday after long drive and discarded it quickly!!
DocHH - I remember the days when spam was a tasteless can of meat - which I believe has made a comeback - and the height of decadence was to make spam fritters - no good for our garden party.
Novalis - I can empathise, having hailed from Hull in the dim and distant past!!
EV might have to wait until Thursday this week - got loads of marking to do :-(
Hello Ringer
Thursday is fine with me! Even though I'll be trying to recover from the stress of a day's work on Wednesday. The meeting starts at 11.00, but I have to make sure that I'll be there for the "bacon butties" that are served at 10.30!! I'll have to be on the 08.25 to get there in time to ensure they are piping hot as I arrive!! Then probably won't be home until 16.00, that's a really stressfull day!! Marking seems a doddle to compared to my wednesday!!
oooo bacon butties :-)
normally crispy bacon too!!
Just to say not sure when I will next post. I'm off to England tomorrow to a favourite Aunt's - indeed an only aunt still in the land of the living. Rustington to be precise. Am taking laptop but will be in Luddite land for the next 18 days. Will probably dispatch future EV's in the same direction as your current one Devadolly. No Chambers, No Bradfords, and not much in the way of wits - it's not looking good, crossword wise. But looking forward to the rest and a little retail therapy.
Hi Ringer!
Likewise will be "lurking" if you need help. I don't sttrt my marking until June then it's five weeks solid doing my own allocation and monitoring my team. After that it starts again about two day after results day and carries on ( with ever more appeals each year ) until the end of October.
Slightly more work per year than DocHH but certainly not as much as some.
Christiana, hope you enjoy your trip over here.
DocHH --- I always have my breakfast before I set off to Harrogate for the examiners' meeting, then, in the best tradition of a German second breakfast, go for bacon butties at the cafe next to the station. Don't work too hard tomorrow!!
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Dear All..........Had a look at the Da.................... thing! Not a happy person, it is going back in the fire-box - I hyave only managed to do 10 even after your wonderful hints. Just can't understand it because Mr/Ms Kcit is normally quite 'doable'.
What do you think of Whiteley Neil Gin? Not too keen myself, goes in the same 'well if I must' cupboard as Sapphire, now Hendrick's.............
Doc, my in-tray is a real in-tray, not a virtual one! Yes, I think they might notice if my epistles didn't appear.
I want smoked salmon and strawberries for my breakfast please chaps.
Hello Devadolly
Which answers would you like some cryptic hints on? Or has EV 860 arrived at its final resting place, to disappear in a cloud of smoke?
How about some pineapple to go with the strawberries, and should the smoked salmon be accompanied by some scrambled eggs?
Novalis, I'll try to keep stressfree tomorrow, although the pressure of working from 11.00 to 13.30, might get to me! Still I have until 12th May, but that is quickly followed by more work on 19th and 20th May!

It's a hard life (for some).

Hi Devadolly!

In case six down is one of those you haven't got ,"Anyone for tennis?"

I agree Rollo, life can be very hard at times!!
hello all, Just raising my head after a very busy couple of days, so I feel enormous sympathy for poor DocHH having to look forward to such a difficult,long day tomorrow. Devadolly, I will lurk too....just keep trying to fill the nonAWOL answers. I've never heard of that particular gin.but do enjoy Sapphire, so maybe you could store it in my drinks cupboard if you really don't like it (or it could be donated to the garden party ).I expect Novalis is drowning his ( or Newcastle's)sorrows so we may not hear too much more from him. I found the solving strats quite intrusive and just wish "they" wouldn't add them. Also agree Devadolly about the printing of EV on a flimsy bit of the paper.....much better in Seven. Enjoy your weekend Christiana, esp. the retail therapy bit.
Pleased to see you back Copelander, and thanks for your sympathy, but did I detect just the smallest hint of cynicism, or perhaps even a minutest smidgeon of sarcasm!

If it's any consolation I'm against the 48 hour working limit opt-out, that's quite enough work for a month for me!! Actually doing the sums, it's probably enough for 3 months!!

Let's hope Devadolly, Ringer and Physicsgirl don't give up this week, and we can help them to resolution, it would be good to have another celebratory party. Will report on Bacon Butties!
DocHH, cynicism, moi? No, jealousy, maybe. Don't get me started on the 48 hour week, especially for junior doctors, it'll just bring out bleats about "in my young day.....". A 48 hr week wouldn't have started to look at a weekend, let alone a proper week. I expect, though, you'll work really hard to-morrow. ( hrrumphs into her glass of Pinot Grigio ) A day off tomorrow for me, so will check in to see if any hints can be given. How's it going, Devadolly?
Evening all
Have just got back from seeing Little Shop of Horrors. Am wishing the plant would swallow me up as feeling somewhat baffled and bemused by this week's challenge. Have made some headway but missing the bottom left corner and can't see any link between the AWOLs and extras at the mo.
Novalis - I am still at the chalk face so to speak (does that phrase age me?) so marking is a way of life!!!
Ah well, back to my miserable attempt.
Oooooo -bright light in the distance - it's daylight dawning! Didn't enjoy this week's - no sense of satisfaction at the end. Spent ages justifying each entry but think I've got it now!! Thank you to the lurkers for being available!!

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