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scotland on sunday spectrum

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timetrialler | 15:34 Sun 25th Oct 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
Ive got bogged down in a corner and cant get out!..........can anyone help please?26a Half of the school support the Spanish philosopher.............S?H???E?
29A Could be isolated expansion of the heart........S?A???L?
23D Nap is rejected out east...S?????
12A See doctor after a patients beginning to show confidence...A?L?T?
Any help would be they are linked I think one answer may open up the rest!


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29a Diastole
26a Sch-leg-el
29a Diastole - anag 'isolated'
23d Siesta - anag 'is + east'
12a Aplomb - a p(atient) + lo + MB (?)
Question Author
Thank you VERY much..............Ive been at the puzzle for some time and was getting nowhere. Just as I suspected the clues were linked in and once one was solved the others followed. Many thanks.

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scotland on sunday spectrum

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