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Womans Way Crossword

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supersuezy24 | 19:29 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | Crosswords
10 Answers
27a: Profane (9): ???e?r?d?
23d: Measure (4): ?e?? (The last letter is the second letter of 27a)
6d: Offer(6): ????er


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23d- one possibility is PECK
27a desecrate ?
... then possibly 23d Mete ?
I think one of the letters may be wrong in 27a
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Yeah my d was wrong Factor..should of been t.
So is DESECRATE the answer to 27?
I didn't think DESECRATE meant Profane- one is a verb, the other an adjective.
they can both be verbs - 2nd entry here
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Thanks everyone
Thanks bibblebub- I'd never heard anyone say "to profane".

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