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at the airport

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smurf | 16:40 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
things found at the airport
1 this plane will land at geneva (7)
16 lofty team (7)
17 vote for frost (6)
thanks for any help


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1. answer in clue landing
16. aircrew
17. hijack
p.s. don't suppose u have no 14 and 24
hiya smurf
i think 14 is book stall, and 24 is lodes, dont no how that one is worked out a friend said it could be this hope this helps
hi im looking for some help with a few clues that im stuck on s any help really greatfull
argue inside music plates (6)
atmospheric vessel (8)
thank u for any help
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24 seating (costal water sea) little bell sound (ting)
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thanks 1 should be in geneva not at
hi kitten 786 he 2 u require
12. c row ds
30. aircraft
ah thank u i was stuggling with these as well u have answered my questions thank you merixx
atmospheric vessel was answered earlier as Air Plane

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at the airport

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