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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 16th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now Open

All Members are welcome once more.

Sadly, our dear matron , Mamyalynne will be absent tonight as she has been taken on holiday to Welshland. I am sure all Members will join with me in hoping that she enjoys her rest cure , oops, short holiday, very much.
Because of Mamya's absence we will be facing a dearth of snacks. We will have to make do with a few crisps and nuts until more Members turn up when the nut quota will doubtless increase.

In honour of Mamya, however, I have concocted tonight's signature tailcock, Matron's Mixture**.

All raffle prizes will be gratefully received, please leave them on the hall table.


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Upgraded the unicycle, then alexanderd ?
Or just cruisin' ?
He may yet be bruisin' ...
LadyA as one gets older one needs the stability
Question Author
Fair enough.

Quad bike next week then ?
Quite, Miss...
ttfn well will forget my manners next week and make a mad rush - that better?
I hope Alfie is enjoying Welshland - so kind of Matron to give him a break from ... ... well, a break.
Question Author
Manners maketh man...
thank you alex i'll be right behind you(sob,sob)
Alex, how come you have run out of socks again? I will only do your washing once a week.
M'lady - permission to take a few minutes to comfort Miss Kate?
Question Author
I hope they are both enjoying Welshland. Hope they can still speak English when they return...they are both so good at picking things up...
Tony, that would be an interesting diversion, not yet tried I believe. Please come with all the requisite padding you surely will need. Her ladyship is not above foul play in mho <<cough cough>>.
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Be my guest, Maj. But be aware that the clock has started.
sounds like docked wages your Maj it will cost you
maj you have ignored me all evening,getting cosy with ttfn,how could you?
Question Author
I never play with chickens, Ena. Nasty feathery things.

DOuble time for the first minute, then treble, Maj.
Most grateful, m'lady...

...There, there, kinky!! Soon as matron's back, I'll be free, free to join you in the corner again! I've missed your company tonight, but was forced against my will to buttle my fingers to the bone! You know how fierce m'lady & matron can be... Until next time, then? ♥ x

...And back in the room
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You signed up Maj. No one forged your sig.
Oh, Miss Kate? Please ensure that master Alex has performed the necessary pre-ride safety checks on his boneshaker before you mount it, won't you?

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