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snaro | 19:14 Sat 07th Jan 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
14 down ? e ? e ? e ? c allude mention


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Reference ?
Doesn't fit with number of letters and ?s given, but seems to work!
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i thought reference might apply but can it be used as a verb on its own because to my mind the way the clue indicates allude suggests that the answer is a verb but i may be over cautious tanx guys
You 1263
14d Reference
17a SnackEd
20a FailEd
23a TamperEd
25a NotiCe
Yes- you can 'reference' something. The verb 'to reference' is used quite often- for example in educational articles. Many words nowadays are used as verbs too- to action something for example. Some people dislike the trend to create verbs where they didn't exist before (eg I remember someone- John Humphreys I think- complaining about the verb 'to obsess') but as long as people understand it I'm not sure it matters
Question Author
tanx and agreed factor 30 tanx again to respondents and happy new year to all
and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all ABer's

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