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Local Quiz Tuesday January 24th 2012

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maxymax | 16:43 Tue 24th Jan 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
The theme is "How well do you know what's in and around your home?" The clue is "Causes a maiden to topple" (4) I am stuck between moat (anag) and bowl. Anyone any thoughts? Thanks


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Could be a Cricket reference...To bowl a maiden over?
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Yeah thanks Zhukov. Both answers are a cricket reference because in a bowling analysis the abbreviation for maiden is "m" and therefore together with the "a" and the "to" and topple signifying an anagram that would make moat which goes round your home (if you are rich!). On the other hand of course you bowl a maiden over as you have said. I am very torn.

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Local Quiz Tuesday January 24th 2012

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