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st ives xmas lights quiz -- need your help folks.

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excelsior-1 | 15:02 Fri 31st Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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the setter has received a completed sheet in the post today -- without name, address and phone number on it.

we are hoping that it is from one of you AB'ers, and would ask for your help.

fortunately - it is very distinctive .... the answers are written in normal writing rather than printed all in capitals ... also, on the front sheet is the word MASTER and also 31/10/12, both marked over with yellow marker .. and underneath, the letters 'pd' in a circle. . .

does this sound familiar to anyone?
if so, please send your name,address and phone number to the setter, along with a few words of your writing - to confirm it is the same person, and that then can be put into the hat along with the other correct entries so far received.

thank you.


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st ives xmas lights quiz -- need your help folks.

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