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types of ve

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STICKERS | 21:51 Sun 16th Sep 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
1, to spoil + a tier
2, sounds like fuel + a jewish doctor of law
3, pungent root eaten raw
4,this ones shoots are a table delicacy
5, neeps
6, crunchy stem used in salad
7, its white head is called curds
8, long green and used in salads


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21:52 Sun 16th Sep 2012
Is Ve an abbreviation for Vegetable?
8 cucumber?
1 marrow
3 radish
5. Turnips or swedes
5 turnips
6 celery
5. Turnips, but you might wanna check that. The further North I go the more argument I get about what is a swede and what is a turnip.
The orange ones are swedes by the way :p
7 cauliflower
7 cauliflower
5 is a trick - is this a Scottish competition? If so it's probably turnips (neeps to me) but what I serve with haggis is a swede, which OH calls a neep.
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Thankyou all.
1left to get 'this ones shoots are table delicacy'
6. Asparagus

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types of ve

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