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O.K. I give up

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starone | 20:01 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
I can't do these last two think as I will

Forms of transport

1. Danny enjoys a chocolate biscuit. Thought this might be Double Decker but don't understand where Danny comes in.
2. A yellow roll? Thought this might be submarine as in Yellow Submarine, and it is roll like in shape.

Any help would be appreciated before my brain dissolves.


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There is a bread roll called a sub. So that sounds about right.
Question Author
Thanks Tilly. I may go along with that it sounds about right as you say and I can't think of anything else.
I think no. 1 is Taxi
Danny could be Danny Devito from TAXI
Danny was a character in the Taxi! TV programme
^snap, factor
^ Great minds think alike...or is it fools seldom differ
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Ooh yes - I had forgotten him. Thanks everybody. You are very kind and also very clever.
-- answer removed --

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O.K. I give up

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