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Mad Over Fifties Club

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Igor61 | 21:06 Sat 23rd Mar 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
My lady has asked me to open up the Towers for this evening as she is busy with the ossifers from the local constabulary, they are still looking into the matter of our missing moat. They have at least three suspects and they have found some clues a yellow marigold, a head gasket from a 1964 Cortina and a pile of plastic buckets.
Tonight's tailcock will be the "Arctic Blast" and the hot plate special is a Mince and dumpling pie a hearty warming dish (and my favourite), the pudding tonight is a steamed apple sponge pudding, you can have custard or cream with that (I like the custard)
Those ahem musical bampots that sit in the gallery will be spouting their usual nonsense (why we can't have good old fashioned rock and roll is quite beyond me) they are also threatening to inflict their version of Bon Jovi's greatest hits on us tonight ( oh spare us!)
I expect she (who must be obeyed) will organise a rofl when she finally gets rid of those ossifers (my money is on that suspicious character next door - he has a new water feature in his back yard)
The young mistress is still in her chambers but she will be along shortly (I like her best) she has organised ice skating down at the lake, and hot chocolate and marshmallows will be available down there later. The hot tub is bubbling away as usual and I had to trudge all the way up there with all the stuff that goes in that flippin' mini bar! I've lit the fires in the snug and in the vestibule. Belle has set all the necessary requisites in the retiring rooms ready for the members.

Welcome one and all
Just remember I'll be chucking you all out at midnight (I have my chains to polish!)


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popping off to get another glass of something. back later.
Be careful out there Tony - it's nasty!
Oh dear, have I offended Igor? Really do need a drink.
I might just have to open a wee bottle of something red.
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Miss Daisy, my apologies for my tardiness, here's your Arctic blast and I've brought you a little plate of nibbles..... bowing and scraping
extra drink here, daisy ... join me in the hot-tub?
That's me...have to use alias on ice can't confuse my wrestling fans.... he was a local ossifer..hic...not the one that keeps nicking me though....good eh? Should see me doing tag against big...hic...bertha....even better...... Media URL:
Oh an embarrasse of riches! Thankyou Igor. Excel, I would be delighted to join you. A drink in a hot tub with a charming friend sounds just what I would enjoy.
Oops..hic..try again ...slurp...
Media URL:
the honour is mine, step right in
Nope my kindly thingimabob doesn't like YouTube....nuff to say I was...sooooperb !! Igor Igor over ere !
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Coming Miss Mint lawks, she's as nissed as a pewt ..... again
IGGGGGGGGGGGOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Come here to me and rest your lovely head against my bosom, and I can tickle your ears till they turn pink and your right leg starts shaking..
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If you please Miss Spikey, I do not consort with the heart belongs to another...

I know you have our moat you know Smiles ....
Oooh, this is lovely excel, I feel so warm and cosy. So how did you get your remarkable form of transport? Do tell.
who has the float on the moat?
i won it in a game of poker against another time lord
Damn! I came here tonight in good faith....I think I may have found your moat. I've got it under wraps at Spikey Heights - you may collect it when you like (fingers crossed behind back) I have abolutely NO idea how it came to be in my back garden, and wish to return it to it's rightful owner forthwith.
An ode to QoM

"Mean? No, you misunderstand us -
this lady is not cruel.

She's just a goodly heart
surrounded by a moat of AB alligators."
Is who stole the moat a moot point, or are you staying mute?

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