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Points On A Weather Vane N S E W

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Ladymojo | 21:59 Tue 23rd Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1. Monty's War Domain (7.6).

2 A ship sailing left (7).

Any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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1 western desert
2 seen as "easting"
Question Author
Thankyou Canary42 & frugalfred x
No 2 has been posted a number of times with no definitive answer.

is one of the posts
Question Author
Thankyou Mass Hysteria x
although the 4th section here seems to confirm EASTINGS as the correct answer, "A distance one sails in the westerlies before turning into the trades in order to reach a destination without tacking"

so credit to frugalfred

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Points On A Weather Vane N S E W

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