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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:02 Sat 22nd Feb 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
201 Answers
Good evening and welcome to AB's Mad Over Fifties Club. Igor is on hand for the concealment of all cloaks, outer garments and broomsticks (please note aforementioned items are left at owners risk, we cannot guarantee the safe return of items left in Igor's care.)
As we maintain the Winter Olympics theme of the past few weeks, our Tailcock for tonight will be the "Icy Curl" (I wonder why.....?)
On our hot plate tonight we offer Steak and Ale pie with creamy mash, and peas. As always we have a selection of horses doovers, canopies and volly vonts, and on the pudding trolley Lemon and Sultana steamed sponge and custard (cream is also available)
The Minstrels are warming up in the Gallery (as usual) practising their Madrigals and toccattas, if you happen to be a music lover I'd advise against visiting the Music room this evening, the local hairy beardies folk singing group has been booked (not by me) and they will be performing traditional folk songs in there (no doubt wearing aran pullovers and one hand clasped firmly over one ear) In the ballroom we have DJ Funky Freddie for those members wishing to dance ............. (who booked these guys?)
Again I must remind members that the Bungee is not in operation until the spring and the hot tub has been relocated down to the dungeons by the indoor swimming pool. (mini bar too) The ice rink is still available for use as is the ski slope and the "sliding" track thingy - loads of trays for sliding too!
The library is fully stocked, and a lovely fire burns in the hearth, we also have all the latest magazines and periodicals for members use too, in fact I understand that we have the latest edition of "Mechanics for Lady Embroiderers" hot off the press.... there is a nice fire in the snug too for members wishing a quieter evening, the games room is primed and ready for those wishing to play. Be aware that strip tiddlywinks is strictly forbidden.
Anyone wishing to go for a wander in the conservatory is reminded not to feed the triffid.
Apologies have been received from Daisynonna who will not be in attendance this evening (Igor is devastated!) due to receiving a better offer but she has sent her spare broom Ernie with an offering for the rofl in the shape of and LP by the Dutch College Swing Band ............. mmm yeess!
Speaking of the rofl, I have to offer
2 door handles (broken)
Box of felt tip pens (all dry)
Pair of speed skates (thank you Elise, you wuz robbed!!!)
Year's subscription to Cow Puncher's Weekly

Would members please note anyone wishing to stay overnight in the guest suites in the West Wing should inform Belle ahead of time so that the suites can be prepared

A warm welcome awaits all who enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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its not in Edinburgh nungate,good luck
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mine either, I'm out in the boonies in the wilds of East Lothian
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shall we compare notes on Wednesday night Anne?
if we survive.................are you anxious about your appointment ?
Boobs or lingerie should do it, nungate !.
Of course you'll both survive, come on gals lets have some positive thinking here.
im trying tony :)
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Not particularly Anne, it's the bit that follows that has me a bit worried, though I tend to take things in my stride, if something is necessary and is clearly explained why I'll go along with it, however, if I'm told what's going to happen and I have no say in the matter then there's a problem as I will dig in my heels and refuse! (ask the social worker who tried to bully me into putting my mum into respite care when it was not what we wanted for her nor what was needed - Mum stayed home.
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Those items will always attract our Sqad, a bit like a magpie with something shiny, or me if it's in Barca colours......
Seriously though setting sqad aside for a mo best of luck to you both on Wednesday.
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Thanks Tony, I'm sure all will be well - a positive mental attitude is all that's required!
Goodnight all, thanks for a lovely evening as usual, nungate.
a positive mental attitude is all that's required!

Thats right, nungate, keep a positive frame of mind.
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You're most welcome Tony, see you in the funny papers!
I am trying,,, honest :)
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Come on Anne we can do this together ok? Are you north of the border?
Just wondering]
I an give you Queenie's throwaway email and she can pass on any message to me and I'll get in touch with you directly. We can be a mutual support club. Let me know what you think, as I shall have to ask Queenie for her throwaway as I've forgotten it again
Madame, shall I bring in the staff now?
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Very well Igor, I shall be in my chambers if needed, thank you.
Sending love and best wishes to you both for your appointments this week ♥
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Thank you Mamya much appreciated

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