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Happy Homes Closing Date 8Th January

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puzzld | 14:14 Fri 15th Dec 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Hi everybody, stuck on last two, any help appreciated, all answers are places you can live
e.g.He points to a house for the minister Manse
No. 48 Amy lost the point around this noble pile (7,4)
No,49 Sounds like a sugary place to live (5)
Cannot get my head round these at all
As always thanks in advance


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49. Suite (of rooms) ??
Question Author
Hi again everybody, think I've just come up with answer for No.49, Suite
48.Stately Home- Anagram of Amy lost the +e(point)
Question Author
Thanks JJ09 probably writing answer at same time, forgot to mention the answers run in alphabetical order, so No. 48 comes between Sh and Su for the first word
Look up puzzld ^^^
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dannyk13 again apologies, must have been writing. Thanks to both for brilliant answers

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Happy Homes Closing Date 8Th January

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