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bigmac25 | 16:27 Wed 13th Jun 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Can someone help please. My first is GONE WITH THE WIN, number 2 is GNIHCAYMO, number 3 is MONEY over the top of BIRTH, number 4 is NOW IN HERE.


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2 O my aching back
4 In the middle of nowhere
lack(?) back buck bunk bung(?)
I'm pretty sure about the middle three.
1 Is this the one seen as, To cut a long story short ?
...but what does it mean?
3 cash on delivery
Ha. Very good mallyh
Maisie ...lack luck buck bunk bung??????
thanks :-) x
I thought it was just one sequence making up a riddle (silly of me - sorry).
.... something on the lines of - ''my first is in... but not in...'' (if it had said 'No 1' at the beginning I might not have made that mistake, but I'm not trying to wriggle out of it... much).

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