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thomgrat | 20:41 Sun 15th Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Thanks again for last answers but i need more help please?- (M)ONT(E)CRISTO(the M and the E are below the other letters), pePPermint(the double p`s are in capital letters),



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ist one is Count me out

could it be "count ME in" ?

i dont like these things they're too vague

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many thanks gen2 and plumdrum
Doubled in flavour?
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thanks dinkypuzzled. your answer made a lot of sense. but i`m not sure? these dingbats are driving me nuts! i thought it might be "sweetpeas" (pp`s). but i`m no good at these things! thanks again.

3 piece suite (I think the first P is a capital too)

Question Author
thank you! thank you! and thank you! smouse. i didnt read it properly.

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