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rt 8

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wendyl | 18:31 Mon 20th Feb 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
55 Answers
8a transport suspended to give official position a boost (9)
12a naval officer replaces unsuitable net (13)
16a grilled mexican dosser by mistake (5-8)
1d a french gifted person, that's not normal (9)
4d with plasticine she made vatican church(7,6)
15d one fool iscoffed to begin with (8)
Thanks to anyone who can help


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Wendy, if you think those are harsh, wait until you get to the ones in London!


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john alex can you help please? - I think I saw instructions recently from you how to join a thread using a number
A friend in Spain new to AB is trying to join in this after I sent him the matlock quiz and has asked me for instructions. I used the number on the email sent to me saying an answer received with help from burgess,but that does not seem to work and putting a new question with the rt 8 ref did not come up with it either


Hi Wendy - As you probably know, each Question has its own ID number. This particular number is 201945, which should be visible in the address bar towards the top of your screen (assuming your options are set to display this info). Actually it shows 201945-3, simply because we are on P3 (for postings 41-60), but 201945 will get you to P1, the full address being:

To find out the number of someone's Question is easy. Just move your mouse over the red title heading, click right mouse button, then position your mouse pointer over 'Properties', then click left mouse button. The full address will be displayed, including the magic number. Note the underscore between 'Quizzes_and_Puzzles', often overlooked when the whole link is underlined, then nothing works!

Anyway, why don't you practise by highlighting 201945-3 then substitute another number, then press 'Go' to take you to that Question. You'll be playing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 before you know it.

Now all you have to do is convey this chemistry to your friend, although I think he will have to register with AB to join in the fun. Let me now how it works out. Regardz, ja

Johnalex, I thought you had gone on a round the world tour, haven't heard from you for a while, I assume you have the three answers to the Matlock quiz!!!!!!!, I keep thinking that Kensington must come into it somewhere, it includes NONES, Kensington Arcade includes NONES and DRAKE. Also Paddington Station includes TITAN and NAN, but thats as far I can get with that line. Royal National Theatre includes TITAN, RALLY(recover),TE (a note). The nearest I have come is with Hammersmith Palace, MIMAS (Satelitte), CARP (Complain) ME (a note) but I am left with HEALTH not HEAL (Recover) Any thoughts appreciated


Hi Burgess - Alas I have had to attend to other matters but will join up with you again soon. After my initial brainstorming session I'm ashamed to admit I don't even have one answer. When I asked a friend of mine for his first thoughts on 'recover' his immediate answer was 'reupholster'. OK I said, so what about 'a nautical wind?', to which he replied 'capstan' . . . . So much for that idea! Back later today/tomorrow. ja
Hi Folks - No further progress to report. Thinking we may need some different key words for a breakthrough, such as 'Norwester' or 'Souwester' for 'Wind' and maybe 'Rail' or 'Nag' for 'Complain'. These are just examples to give us different letter combinations. Will stay tuned to this thread - would like to see a result, though not competing. Regardz, ja.,

johnalex, I agree some change must be made to the obvious words being used. I think that another Museum could be visitted, but the only way I can find words that include the letters of museum are Trireme, stimulus and nones, however the letters left dont make anything. I also tried using Better (recover) and using it in Battersea, again no luck, I will let you know the answers when I get them

bye for now keep thinking

Burgess - Regarding 'M's for Museum, consider Embolon, Rostrum, Bireme or Unireme in place of Trireme (together with Stimulus and Nones). You can also pick out 'Monument' using Trireme and Rostrum. Not sure if this is light at the end of the tunnel, or a train coming towards us . . .

This Matlock Quiz needs a final surge to put it to bed. I fear that the setter has just gone too far this time in using obscure links! We may need to settle for less than 100%

I'll latch on to this site, if I may, to bring it home.

johnalex On another entirely diffrerent Quiz, the Duchess of York wrote a children's book about "Budgie the Little Helicopter"!!

Crofter - Agree with your Matlock decision - time to move on. Oddly enough I get more pleasure from puzzles I can't solve, as it stretches the mind. When they eventually lock me up this is the sort of stuff I'd like pushed under my cell door - visitors welcome.

As for Budgie the Helicopter . . . there was me thinking about Adam Faith ('Budgie') and Yorkie bars when all along it was Fergie. One is not amused . . . ja

Johnalex, thanks for trying, you have obviously put some effort into it, I will have one last try at the Monument line, if that doesn't work I will give it up as a bad job. Bye

Hi to you all! I am going to stick with the Quiz a little while longer. I have printed off all previous answers to study at my leisure!
Crofter, ? at your leisure, you must have a cunning plan?
johnalex did you assist wendyl at 209920?
Crofter - your message acknowledged with thanks, will stay in contact. ja

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