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dt cryptic 27.09

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sarumite | 23:18 Wed 27th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Last one as always the least obvious .............
5d Discover how to leave the sea at speed (3,2,5)

r?n ?o ?a?t?

My tentative suggestion is " run to earth " but not sure this fully fits clue i.e discover??


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If you are looking for an answer and you find it, you have 'run it to earth'. i.e. you have discovered it.
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many thanks gen2 ........... I hadn't previously come across the phrase used in that context.
I believe that the phrase has its origins in fox-hunting. When the fox gives up the chase it seeks refuge in its earth. In truth, it is then cornered and the hunt is soon over!
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Gosh, you were up and about early this morning crofter!!
I was aware of the phrase but a little thrown by the word "discover" in the clue ........... best wishes S.

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dt cryptic 27.09

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