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MM and KM Links June 2008 [Week 4]

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gen2 | 20:21 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
83 Answers
Good Evening once again to all MM and KM Linkers

This evening, Crofter who has been sunning himself for the last week in Tenefife, should be winging his way swiftly back to AB. Until I hear that he is safely back, this is gen2 still holding the reigns.

We are now on week 4 of 5 for both games and in the MM game it still too soon to predict any winners as there is a large pack of hungry point hunters close on the heels of AllyLally. The KM game is slightly more spread out with DizzyLizzie managing a clean sweep last week. Do not despair - If she can do it then it, then why can't you? My advice is to get in early and go with your instincts. The MM game is launched by the Dinky Duke in a thread at 8:45 tomorrow morning and the words will appear beneath it at 9:00. The KM game (based on the Telegraph GK Crosswords) will be launched by seekeerz at a much earlier hour and the links will appear there as soon as someone gets the paper and solves the clues, so be on the lookout out from 6:30 onwards for that one.

This is week 4 (of 5) in the reign of the Dinky Duke who is all set to help give you pleasure once again with four stimulating words for you. Will you be responsive? Will you rise to his suggestions? All will be revealed (in a manner of speaking) in the morning.

As most of you are aware, this thread is the wardrobe door to the 'Shrubbery' so why not suspend belief and come on in - there is plenty to drink for all and musical entertainment will no doubt be provided sooner or later. The more the merrier, but like all parties, it may be a little slow until others arrive on the scene.

Enjoy yourselves.



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Poppy-red, that's just it. It doesn't work!
It's just a virtual shambles.
Would you believe that a certain genleman whose etchngs I have seen is sitting rattling his fork against a glass and humming 'Why are we waiting' I guess that means I'd better go. Enjoy the rest of the evening. See you all for the links in the morning.
seriously though (and we are anything but serious on here)
we just chat (suposedly while we wait to post the links tomorrow morning, do feel free to join in
Croatia just score - Thats my second team out. ;-((
not yet jools
poppy -red....where do we start???

But welcome...if you have brought a bottle!!

We all get together together on a Friday night...lurking in the shrubbery..ready to pounce on the link setters!..
We all hatch devious plans...and the men lead the women astray...and leave us to clear up!!
...and beware of Aquagility...he is a sailor...say no more!!
poppy red...on a slightly and not too serious are very welcome to Answerbank..which can get quite seroius at times.
the Links are a history to themselves...and I reckon gen2 is the best one to summarise them to you.!!!

We oldies take a lighthearted look on life and on a Friday night we let our hair down, and all have a chat!

You are more than welcome...and please join in!
Hi Poppyred, I will let someone else explain as I joined after this all started. I used to read all the posts and wonder what on earth was going on!!!!! I eventually posted something one night and said I felt a bit worried about posting as I felt I was intruding, but I was welcomed with open arms. We just chat, post music links we like and then try to be first to answer tomorrow morning.
We are all very friendly and welcome you anytime to have a chat with us.
Just one word of caution.....PaulineWard.......she's very nice but can she drink!!!!!!!
Aqua, Pauline will tell you....I can handle anything!!!! LOL
Hic!!! Hic!!! drink????....Yes!!!! :-)))
short and sweet tonight, got to love you and leave you, catch you in the morning
thanks - so it's just launch on in (have brought a bottle too !!! - though this one now slightly empty ) hic hic
Just seeing daughter out!!!
Finished A levels today...and just going out now. with friends to club!! I am considering nightcap!!
Just off the phone - my daughter-in-law is so excited - I sure she going to give birth if she's not careful. :-)) I need a drink.
Please can you tell me how I get the music links
Hi poppy-red - Welcome to the shrubbery.
Well poppy-red...let me try...after a few glasses of red!

Go on to You tube...and when yyou select the song you want...(or a picture downloaded)...just right click on the web address at the top of the page and 'copy' it...

Then pop on here...type your message.....and next line...

'paste' ...try it doesn't matter if it doesn't work...Kay once took up a whole night trying it out!!
Aqua. I would love to see your etchings!!!!!
Strix I know you have gone but in case you come back I really liked the Leonard Cohen track but then started listening to others of his...Goodbye Marianne and That's no way to say Goodbye and my favourite Suzanne.
Poppy-red, Pauline is going to try and explain how to do music links. She taught me but over the phone so it was a bit easier. In fact Pauline and I have met and I think that was when she taught me.
I hope you will enjoy coming on here, we are all very friendly and don't fall out or argue, it's just a bit of light hearted fun
Pauline may confuse you when she says Kay, which is my real name. Evsajo is my on line name.

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MM and KM Links June 2008 [Week 4]

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