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Where Was I? August 24, 2008

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Top Cat2 | 12:27 Sun 24th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Anyone out there doing this? I am struggling this week - been on holiday and a bit out of practice - but I think that the Shakesperian clue refers to Warkworth Castle , Morpeth and we are in Northumberland. Any help with the second clue would be appreciated, or am I in the wrong area altogether?


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You are in the right area. Is it more fun to be helped rather than just given the answers? Look at the Shakespeare plays which might feature the castle.

The stories of the two saints are really interesting, even though you might not need them for the answers.

Good luck!
Question Author
Thanks to you both and good luck as well.
Top Cat2
King Henery the Fourth - part two is set in Warkworth Castle and there is a character called Rumour in the play. Am not too sure about the second town, still checking.
Question Author
Hello Chere,
You have the correct play - the quote is from Act 1 Sc 3 and of course 'Rumour' confirmed that choice. Bamburgh is also correct for answer 2 as I checked out the reference to the Saint (Aidan) who died in AD651 on 31 August. Here is a reference to the battle/fire: In 651 a pagan army attacked Bamburgh and attempted to set its walls ablaze. According to legend, Aidan prayed for the city, after which the winds turned and blew the smoke and fire toward the enemy, repulsing them. Also look up Bamburgh Castle and you will see the reference to the basalt outcrop.

Glad you got there, TopCat. It's fascinating what you learn travelling with the ST, isn't it?
Question Author
Yes, writesbad, it is fascinating and a great way to learn about places of interest at home.
I've been doing this quiz as long as I can remember and most weeks get the answers right. If I ever won it would be a bonus, but taking part and the challenge of the clues are what really matters. Thanks again for your help!

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Where Was I? August 24, 2008

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