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Local Cryptic

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bruisersnan | 21:26 Sat 25th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Hi, Can anyone help me with these answers?

Digital guide to a possible culprit. 8,6.
a - c - s - n - / - - - - - -

One forgets names in confusion, one with Bill. 8.
- - - - - - a -

Ending loan in confusion without taking sides in politics. 3, 7.

- - - / - l - g - e -

Thank you for any help given.


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ending loan... NON ALIGNED (anag)
2. amnesiac
Accusing finger
Amnesiac - anag 'names in' + ac(count)
Non-aligned - anag 'Ending loan'
accusing finger
digital guide ...ACCUSING FINGER ?
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Thank you all for your help, much appreciated.
happy to help :-))

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Local Cryptic

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