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Post Office Veterans Magazine

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doddsredoubt | 21:58 Wed 01st Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
What connects Femoral,Popliteal and Azygos.(is the answer veins).

The Adagio from Katcachurian's ballet Spartacus was used as the theme music for which Seventies BBC drama serial.

Thankyou for any help.


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Spartacus theme was used by The Onedin Line.
I think the answer is legs as femoral and politeal refer to the knee and the thigh
sorry it should have read popliteal
I believe the second was the onedin line - couldn't swear tho
Question Author
Thankyou baitress,that was quick.

Thankyou once again for your help much appreciated.
Question Author
Thankyou also Postdog.

Thankyou also for your help.

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