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valjonfrank | 08:39 Mon 07th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Anyone know question ot 26d


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Hopefully someone with Southern Edition of Paper will have Clue printed in theirs !!
I assume the clue is missing. What letters have you got? It may be deliberate and very cryptic- maybe CLUELESS.
It is a General Knowledge Crossword, factor30. I have finished the Crossword apart from 26 Down as they have omitted Clue which is a bit careless !!
it is missing out of the Southen edition as well,i have just emailed the Daily Express so i hope to have an answer shortly as soon as i do i will publish.
Hi Souxie

Thoughtful of you....however, even if the DE replies, it won't be accepted, as hundreds of people will not be privy to the clue. I think just send it in with 26d blank.
Question 26d has not been printed, it would be wise to submit the crossword leaving 26d open rather than make a guess--Surely Daily Express would accept

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