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MM and KM Links September 2009 [Week 4]

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crofter | 19:02 Fri 25th Sep 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
64 Answers
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere!

Welcome to this fourth and final week in the reign of Lady Jill (aka tearinghair), who is still having her serenity challenged every time the newly vamped AnswerBank misbehaves. Having her as this month’s setter has been a Godsend, as I needed someone who could deal with a rollercoaster ride from AB without flinching!

After three years running MM Links, I never cease to be amazed at the wealth of talent and personality that we have among our ranks. Each month, we have an opportunity to learn a little about one of our “cyber friends” and the experience is most uplifting! Each one of us has a story to tell, as Life has often thrown us each a serious challenge to deal with as best we can. We are all survivors! You may well be surprised to learn that behind each one of us acting the fool, there is real intelligence ~ you need a convincing IQ to be able to act the idiot (with confidence). This point was made on several occasions by members of The Goons!


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think Pauline has hit the bottle already strix!
I keep losing my replies!! Thid is Dustybun's fault...saying it was working better!! Tempting fate...
Now come on Lady Jill...any hints?
I will pour you a nice glass of wine and Strix will run around to the chippy!!
...or even this is.... :-))
Jan, I think you are right.
Perhaps we should send the men in white coats round to find out what she is imbibing and which planet she thinks she is on!
You know me better than that by now, Pauline! You'll have to wait until tomorrow...
I think this is mor appropriate Strix!
I thought you had sent them...I was not allowed in!!!
Now where were we?
just blocked me too Pauline,
do you think those in the know are trying to tell us somthing?????
On second thoughts, a glass of wine would be nice...
I am all confused!'s all the telling people off this week!
Why does it post when you are only trying to correct a post??
I knew I had left the E off--so why did it post anyway?
No sooner said than done Lady this big enough?
Yes, rogerr, I think she has finally cracked and you have nailed it with that video.

So sad, such a brave woman always striding forth waving the sword of justice in pursuit of righting wrongs and, yet at the same time, coercing poor unsuspecting ersthwhile innocent folk to "enjoy" the pleasures of her dungeons.

I think the pressures of leading this double life of Boudicca and Miss Whiplash has finally become too much for poor Pauline and her brain has short-circuited and the memory boards have fizzled, frazzled and burnt out.

As I said, so sad.
It's playing up tonight rogerr...but have a strop on!
Have met a lot of stroppy people this week!!
That should have read...must have a strop on...did the same to me Barbara!! not believe it!! You seem to like my split personality!!! :-))
Sarumite does!!!
BUT, Pauline, you still haven't explained how a sleeping Aussie, seekeerz, has been dragged into this thread!!
Maybe..I should have gone to specsavers!!! Of course I meant little rabbit!
Pauline, I think it is time for you to have a large glass of Sanatogen and some Phyllosan, maybe some Horlicks and Ovaltine, fill up a large hot water bottle and go to bed.

I think your brain box needs a rest and a good night's sleep 'cos lummy, poor mass of grey cells, it is mighty confused tonight.

Or will you come clean and own up to having been on the cooking sherry!!

Or maybe it is that new anti-bacterial hand wash that is suddenly so popular in our prisons!
Strix!! out of cooking sherry. Finished that off last night...after confrontation with little brats outside Morrisons!
You seem to be the expert on solutions to these expert eh? Tried and tested remedies! Hmm...

What's a prison?

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MM and KM Links September 2009 [Week 4]

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