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Ladymojo | 23:21 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
1. Old MacDonald would have needed this

2. Faulty bone china

3. Almost look follows pledge

4. Bygone weapon loses 50 and adds confused landowners

5. Brief No 1 has backward toilet!

6. This sport requires a "sullen" vehicle

7. We hear there is a din at the dance

8. Clean and prepare poultry for cooking takes a long time

Any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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8. Dress age
7 Is there a sport called Raquet Ball?
2 badminton
5 p ool
7. Racquetball
3 Hockey
3 hock ey(e)
6 Could be Harness racing .they use a wagon called a sulky (sullen)
5. (toilet humour !) p(ee)+ loo(backwards) = pool.
4. bil(l)+lairds = billiards.
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Thankyou everyone for your help with this quiz X

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