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Tether a horse - Town or City in Northern Ireland??

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jmhirvine | 23:17 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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No, still nothing in the question details box.
How many letters?.
tyrone (tie roan)?
Tyrone is a county, though
Question Author
yeah we thought about Tyrone but it is towns as far as we know this has us baffled.... any more suggestions? We were thinking something with Shire mare or nag or possibly colt or foal but haven't come up with anything!!! This is driving us nuts pls help!!!
There is a town Tyrone in Georgia U.S.....who has actually set this quiz? If it's not someone from N.I. they may have got mixed up?
Tyrone is one of the county towns of Co. Tyrone as
well as Strabane, Omagh, Dungannon and Cookstown,
according to an Irish Encyclopaedia.

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Tether a horse - Town or City in Northern Ireland??

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