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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:00 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
116 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening one and all and welcome once again to the Club.

Drinks and nibbles will doubtless be arriving soon, so please everyone draw up your chairs to the fire and get cosy for another doubtless eventful club night.

The Committee have been in session for most of the week , mainly discussing the raffle. As regular attenders will know, there have been certain allegations made, sometimes sotto voce, but nevertheless allegated, that the raffle draws are less than fair.

This has been a source of concern to the Committee, so it has decided to Take a View.
Once the View has been decided, the Committee will inform members in the usual manner.

So far we have the following donations for this week's raffle:

2 packets of Extra Strong Mints
1 tube of denture fixative
6 bars of Wright's Coal Tar Soap
and a bottle of Cod Liver Oil (only a couple of teaspoons removed).


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only in the summer,m'lady,must avoid chillblanes
Question Author
Chillblanes might be the lesser of 2 evils.....

Glad you're taking care anyway, petal.
I will. Here's the fiver. Where are the gentlemen tonight?
just started a course on pickling pickled peppers,if that would be of any interest
Question Author
Thanks, DSJ. The gents usually arrive later on in the evening....well, alexanderd does.

Petal...pickling peppers sounds an entrancing subject for a talk.
Petal prattles on pickled peppers....
Oh are we having a talk, goody, oooh pickling now that may set a few off, will get me mop.

DSJ we are a bit limited in male company so hope they won't be too long.
Question Author
Reliable as always, Mamya.

Better get the tissues too...there may be onions involved.

What are the pickled peppers of which petal prattles ?
there'll be pecks of pink pickled peppers,tomato juice in the vodka
Question Author
oooh, one of my very favourites......pickled pepper, tomato juice voddie...yum yum
we aim to be of service
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WOuld you care to have the position of under-housekeeper, petal ?
(If Mamya agrees, of course ?)
I think you would be well suited to the post.
so long as Mamya agrees,I'd be honoured,does the 'post'come with a garret room?
Yes Milady but can Petal afford to work here, that is the question??
Question Author
Of course, accommodation is provided.

Mamya will let you know about the direct debit system we use for salary.
I'm sure you will find the rate of pay very reasonable.

Mamya! Mamya! Get the contract out !
Question Author
Never mind if she can afford it or not. She's agreed now. Get the quill pen and the blood.
must retire,all this excitement,hopeto call in later when i've recomposed my self
Here you are Petal, just sign here and her Ladyship will be rubbing her hands together as the coffers grow, we may have a space under the eaves for you dear.
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Don't go before you sign up, petal, dear. You know you want to.....
Oh dear has another one got away Milady, too slow was I?
just as well am away(with the fairies) i a couple of weeks,is there something bring back from the penal colony

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