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msb1302 | 21:11 Tue 01st May 2007 | Riddles
7 Answers
Can anyone help me with these?

1. The word Dancer but with the top of each word missing?

2. the letters T E in the box but on the left hand side of the box?


4. a Hat on a pair of feet. Nothing on fthe feet and looks like a captains hat or something

5. a Pyramid of the letter A. 9 in total

6. a Bicycle wheel with line in middle of it??

7. 3 eyes above a set of weight on the lefthand side and another one of the right hand side??

ANy help will be great. Cheers


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7) Weight Watchers
3) The Aftermath
Hi msb1302, you will probably be better posting on Quizzes and Puzzles not Riddles.
Good Luck.
Question Author
Cheers for that reposted in right place and thanks for those two naswers. been kicking myself after seeing the answers
1. Topless Dancer (_8o(]) HJS
Question Author
Thanks for that.. Yes it has to be
5) A pyramid

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